I dont have much thing to blog lately..so i decided to blog about my buddies during my Uni time...
I miss my buddies....badly...
miss those crazy days we spent..
i think those are the best time of my life at the moment...
ok..im a big phunk when i was at uni...i phunked the uni security guard...
then i started to b fren with this few sohai....

We did alot of sohai things together...we can ride motorcycle to clubbing...vomit while riding it...
we can drive 1 hour to a malay kampung hot spring at 12am after study....after that satay babi at the nearby town and reach home at 5am....and sleep till 8pm the next day....
Sometimes they gay me into something like this and camwhore all the nite..=.=
something like this
we have drinking session when we have ntg to do....after drunk...we will do something like this
Mr Hang was damn drunk one time...and he vommited for 1 hour and at the end he hug the toilet bowl and fell asleep....
we love to eat...always have cooking session when we are free....there is one time...we bought food into the bungalow we rented in Afamosa which outside food is not allowed..and have steamboat whole nite...

We love travel too....
Every year we drove down to PD for recharge party
We can be abit formal too....

and we love to kao lui...

We certainly left our mark at our Uni...

So...finally...we graduated...and we left out Mr Hang alone at Uni..and began our next chapter of life...but sometimes we still meet up...and crazy again...

But im sure our happy n crazy memories in this 4 years will always b in our heart for the longest time...For our friendship...fuckerz

something like this